I studied in Utrecht, the Netherlands, for a year at the University of Utrecht in the Institute for Theoretical Physics. I was a student in the Masters Programme that they started recently. The experience was excellent. Spreek je Nederlands?
Although I did not have a real digital camera, these are some shots of a day trip that Astrid and I took to Haarlem. We used a really junky camera that came free with something (and it was soon discarded). I have many real pictures of much of Europe in photo albums, but this is all that I have on the computer.
Typical Dutch scenery
Here is the Grote Kerk in Haarlem. It's quite impressive, but
perhaps the most impressive thing is that Astrid's parents were
married in this cathedral - with a horse carriage as the chauffeur!
Check out this typical Dutch scene. The view from my bicycle. Astrid
is sitting on the back - I became very used to this kind of thing,
spending countless hours pedaling those junkers around. I managed to get
one of Astrid's bikes stolen (not hard to do in Holland), and I'm
proud to say that the frame on this beauty was actually being held
together with wire that I found in our shed. It was RUSTY wire, too.
I guess this is what you have to deal with as the world's most frugal
and that makes me feel like THIS
Here's a windmill. These a a dying breed in Holland - that's a pity